Mariposa Battle of the Ice (Mariposa Minor Hockey)

Mariposa Battle of the Ice
Dec 13-15th, 2024. Guaranteed 3 games! Registration will not be complete until payment is received. Please direct all questions to the Tournament Co-ordinator Meaghan at [email protected]; include team info and division as well.

Payment Options

The entry fee for the Mariposa HL Tournament is $1,050. U13 & U11 Divisions are FULL. Please register to be added to the waitlists. Still have one spot for U15.

Manager Contact

Note: In all cases the manager will be utilized as the primary contact. Please ensure that the person declared as manager has an e-mail address that is checked regularly as communication is done primarily through this method.


Prior to the start of the tournament, I understand we will be responsible for forwarding a copy of the electronic travel permit and roster. Please have these submitted by Nov 1st, 2024.

Jersey Colours

NOTE: Please bring both sets of jerseys in case of colour conflicts.