Constitution (Mariposa Minor Hockey)






This organization shall be known as the


and any reference to MMHA in this Constitution shall mean the


To support the youth of our community in a positive hockey experience.



1.      To foster, promote and teach the skills of hockey.

2.      To develop, encourage and model sportsmanship, honesty, integrity, community spirit and a feeling of responsibility within each player, towards their fellow team members and to the needs of the community.

3.      To sponsor and promote such athletic, social, and fundraising activities as may contribute to the successful operation of the organization.



The general membership of the association shall include parents or legal guardians of all registered players, rostered coaching staff and administrative board members. 


4.1       The players and membership of the MMHA have the right to:

4. 1 a           A positive, harassment-free environment while attending MMHA games, practices, meetings or activities.

4. 1 b           Be informed of the financial state of MMHA.

4. 1 c           Transparency in decisions made by the MMHA Administrative Board.

4. 1 d           Make a inquiry, complaint, request or petition to the MMHA Administrative Board.

4. 1 e           Vote in the Annual General Meeting (members only).


4.2         The players and membership of the MMHA are responsible to:

4. 2 a           Understand and abide by the OMHA Code of Conduct.

4. 2 b           Show respect and courtesy to the coaching staff, players, parents/guardians, volunteers and Administrative Board of the MMHA.  This includes not criticizing or creating a negative atmosphere or impression of the MMHA.

4. 2 c           Bring concerns or issues to the coaching staff in a timely manner and if the issue is not resolved, to bring it to the appropriate member of the Administrative Board for discussion.

4. 2 d           Show positive support for their each other.  Members are expected to cheer for their players while on the ice.  Negative yelling, arguing or criticizing will not be tolerated and could result in the parent/guardian being asked to leave the arena.

4. 2 e           Volunteer for at least one event/activity per family throughout the year on behalf of the MMHA.  Example volunteer activities may include being a part of the coaching staff, assisting on a committee, donating prizes, sponsoring teams/tournaments or assisting at a fundraising event.


The authority to govern the MMHA shall be invested in the Administrative Board. The Administrative Board shall be responsible for the formation and operation of the MMHA and representative teams of the Association.



6.1       The Administrative Board must be composed of the following positions:

1.      President - Elected

2.      Vice-President - Elected

3.      Registrar - Elected

4.      Secretary - Elected

5.      Treasurer – Elected

And may include the following positions:

6.      Coaching Co-ordinator - Elected

7.      Ice Scheduler - Elected

8.      Referee Assignor - Elected

9.      OMHA Representative - Elected

10.     Three County Representative - Elected

11.     Equipment Manager - Elected

12.     Tournament Chairperson - Elected

13.     Fundraising Co-ordinator - Elected

14.     Communications Co-ordinator - Elected

15.     Hockey Development Co-ordinator – Elected

16.     Under U9 Coordinator – Elected

17.     Head Trainer – Elected

18.     Risk Management Coordinator - Elected

6.2         The Administrative Board of the MMHA shall be elected by the general membership at the Annual General Meeting.

6.2 a         Each nominee for President shall have served on the Board 1 (one) of the last 2 (two) years.


6.3         The Past-president will be an honourary member of the Administrative Board for one-year and will not hold voting privileges.  They will act as an advisor to the Administrative Board and will be provided an Executive member pass for that year.

6.4         The Administrative Board positions shall be for a term of two years and will be renewed based on election at the Annual General Meeting.  It is desirable for the Board terms to be staggered so that approximately half the Board positions are up for re-election.  This will help to ensure continuity from year to year.  The Administrative Board Election Committee will post which positions are available and the order that they are to be elected in when they notify the General Membership of the Annual General Meeting. 

6.5         The Administrative Board shall have the authority to appoint replacements to the Administrative Board for the remainder of the year until the next Annual General Meeting if a vacancy occurs.

6.6         All Administrative Board members will be expected to fulfill the responsibilities of their position and keep proper records of activities and procedures pertinent to fulfilling their position.  These records must be passed to the Administrative Board upon completion of their time on the Board.  Failure to meet any of these requirements may result in dismissal from the Administrative Board.

6.7         All Administrative Board members will provide input and assist in the development of the MMHA annual operating budget.


PRESIDENT shall conduct all meetings according to rules of order and have a vote, only if necessary, to cast a deciding vote.  They shall perform the duties usual to the office, such as co-signing all cheques and preparing and distributing a written report of the year activities for the Annual General Meeting.  The President along with the Administrative Board Election Committee will determine the agenda items and election order for the Annual General Meeting.  The President shall oversee the Treasurer, Registrar, Secretary, Coaching Coordinator, Ice Scheduler, Referee Assignor, OMHA Representative, Three County Representative, Hockey Development Coordinator and Initiation Program Director.

VICE-PRESIDENT shall act in the absence of the President and shall render such assistance to the President that may be required.  The Vice-President shall have co-signing authority.  The Vice-President shall oversee the Equipment Manager, Tournament Chairperson, Fundraising Co-ordinator and the Communications Co-ordinator.  They will also sit on the Coaches Selection Committee.

REGISTRAR shall be responsible for all activities associated with player registration in the Association including organizing registration sessions, remitting funds to the Treasurer, providing a summary to the Administrative Board and registering players throughout the season.  The Registrar is to collect the parental/guardian volunteer information and provide this to the Tournament and Fundraising Co-ordinators as indicated on the registration forms.  

SECRETARY shall keep minutes for all general meetings and all administration meetings of the Association.  Minutes shall be distributed to the Administrative Board after every meeting and the Secretary will ensure that copies are available on-line for the General Membership.  The Secretary shall provide sufficient notice of all meetings to the Administrative Board and to the membership as necessary.

TREASURER shall deposit and maintain all funds in the official MMHA account.  The Treasurer shall record all finances and have co-signing authority.  The Treasurer shall collaborate with other Administrative Board members to develop the MMHA annual operating budget. The Treasurer shall give a written financial report including a Balance Sheet and a Profit & Loss Budget Performance report at each Administrative Board meeting for approval.   The Treasurer shall prepare and distribute a written report summarizing the Profit & Loss Budget Performance for the year as well as a Balance Sheet for the Annual General Meeting.  The Treasurer shall have the books reviewed by an outside party every two years.  The Treasurer is responsible for obtaining MMHA team sponsorships.

COACHING COORDINATOR shall be responsible for the recruitment and training of Association coaches and managers. They shall design the job descriptions, goals and expectations, ensure that they have the proper forms and documents, help these coaches understand their positions, evaluate their effectiveness based on feedback from players, parents and coaching staff members, keep records of these evaluations and arrange for clinics or meetings as required.  They are responsible for collecting and tracking Police Record Search certificates.  The Coaching Coordinator shall facilitate communication between the membership and the coaching staff and the coaching staff and the Administrative Board.  The Coaching Coordinator is responsible to ensure that MMHA goes above and beyond the OMHA minimum around training and providing a positive hockey experience.  The Coaching Coordinator sits on the Coaches Selection Committee.

ICE SCHEDULER shall be in control of all ice time scheduling sanctioned by the MMHA and the fair re-distribution of available ice times.  The Ice Scheduler is responsible for inputting all practice and game schedules into TheOneDB and/or the Mariposa Website.  The Ice Scheduler shall provide the Administrative Board with proper tracking information of such ice times.  The Ice Scheduler shall review any invoices issued by the City of The Kawartha Lakes for accuracy. The Ice Scheduler sits on the Coaches Selection Committee.

REFEREE ASSIGNOR is responsible for forwarding all game schedules to the Assignor of Officials. The Referee Assignor is responsible for all communication between MMHA and the Assignor/Supervisor of Officials.  They are required to obtain all timekeepers and gatekeepers for all games, including MMHA tournaments and jamborees within our Association and maintain accurate records.  All coaches and managers of teams that arrange exhibition games are responsible in notifying the Referee Assignor with sufficient time to enable them to obtain timekeepers and gatekeepers. The Referee Assignor is responsible for co-ordinating all referees’ clinics and sits on the Coaches Selection Committee.

OMHA REPRESENTATIVE shall be responsible for all contact with the OMHA on behalf of the Association and for reporting all pertinent OMHA information to the Administrative Board and Coaching Staff of MMHA teams.  The OMHA Representative shall be responsible for attending all OMHA meetings and for assisting in drawing up of team schedules. They shall be responsible for obtaining OMHA rosters, Affiliated Player lists, and other OMHA documentation as required for all OMHA teams. The OMHA Representative will monitor game sheets, liaise with the OMHA for insurance coverage, set up OMHA playdowns and deal with other issues as they arise. The OMHA Representative sits on the Coaches Selection Committee.

THREE COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE shall be responsible for all contact with the Three County Hockey League on behalf of the Association and for reporting all pertinent Three County Hockey League information to the Administrative Board and Coaching Staff of MMHA teams.  The Three County Representative shall be responsible for attending all Three County Meetings and for assisting in drawing up of schedules. They shall be responsible for obtaining OMHA rosters, Affiliated Player lists, monitor game sheets, and other OMHA documentation as required for all Three County teams.  The Three County Representative sits on the Coaches Selection Committee.

EQUIPMENT MANAGER is responsible for purchasing, maintaining and disposing of all equipment that is the property of the Association.  They will be responsible in allocating the respective equipment to each team in the Association and obtaining it at the end of the season.  Any purchase of equipment will have to be brought to the Administration for final approval.    The Equipment Manager is responsible to ensure that MMHA teams follow the official team colours.

TOURNAMENT CHAIRPERSON shall be responsible for setting up rules and regulations and duties in relation to all tournaments operated by Mariposa Minor Hockey Association and shall work with the co-operation of all coaches and managers of the teams concerned.

FUNDRAISING CO-ORDINATOR is responsible for coordinating all fundraising activities sanctioned by the MMHA.   Fundraising must provide financial records and statements for each fundraising activity. The Fundraising Coordinator is to be an informational support to the individual MMHA team managers regarding their fundraising initiatives and documentation.

COMMUNICATIONS CO-ORDINATOR is responsible for Coordinating the updating of the website, updating of the MMHA bulletin boards, and communicating with the media on behalf of the MMHA.  The Communications Coordinator is responsible for setting up the required teams at the start of the season on the Website, hold a Managers meeting and provide necessary training to Managers to use the Website portal.

HOCKEY DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR is responsible for coordinating player development clinics.  This person sits on the Central Ontario Wolves AAA Hockey Association as a representative of MMHA and reports their decisions and information back to the Administrative Board.  The Hockey Development Coordinator sits on the Coaches Selection Committee.

UNDER U9 COORDINATOR will organize all U9 programming according to OMHA guidelines.  They shall be responsible for coordinating the Preschool (Timbits) Program (ie. programming, ensuring coaching staff in place, parent inquiries, etc.) and facilitating the formation of Preschool (Timbits) groups, and U9 teams.  The Under U9 Coordinator shall be responsible for communicating with the League's U9 Convener, attending all U9 meetings hosted by the league and reporting all pertinent information to the Administrative Board and coaching staff.  They shall be responsible for obtaining OMHA rosters and other documentation as required.  The Under U9 Coordinator sits on the Coaches Selection Committee.

HEAD TRAINER will be responsible for corresponding with OMHA and Association Trainers to ensure they have current training and adhere to the principles and practices of the HTCP. It is the Head Trainers duty to make sure that all Trainers have and complete the proper documentation for on-ice injuries. The Head Trainer is required to be rostered and have been a trainer for minimum of 2 (two) years.

RISK MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR will be responsible to implement and uphold all OMHA risk management programs as outlined by the OMHA. Addtionally, this person will facillitate conflict resolution with any member(s), review disciplinary measures given to any member(s), assist as requested with clearance pf any volunteers submitting vulnerable sector check, and carry out other duties as determined by the executive to ensure the safety of all members.



6. 9 a           Appointments to the standing committees are subject to the approval of the Administrative Board.

6. 9 b           Administrative Board Election Committee: The Administrative Board of MMHA shall select the election committee.  This committee, consisting of 3 people, shall select and post nominations for each available Administrative position that will then be voted on at the AGM. Anyone wishing to nominate a person can approach the nominating committee with their nominations. Nominations are available on-line, on the MMHA bulletin boards or from the committee members and may also be received from the floor during the AGM.  The President along with the Administrative Board Election Committee will determine the agenda items and election order for the Annual General Meeting.

6.9 c         Coaches Selection Committee: Coaches will be selected by a committee made up of the Coaching Coordinator, OMHA Representative, Three County Representative, Hockey Development Coordinator, Ice Scheduler, Referee Assignor, Under U9 Coordinator and the Vice-President.  If a member of the Coaches Selection Committee wishes to apply for a coaching position, they must declare a conflict of interest and cannot participate in discussions or vote for the position that they are applying for.  This committee shall be presided over by the President who will only have a vote in the selection of coaches in the result of a tied vote. The suitability of coaches applying for teams who have coached in the past for the organization will be reviewed as per coaching surveys and evaluations from past Coaching Coordinators. If there is only one person apply to coach a team, that coach does not automatically get the team, but must be voted by the Administrative Board whether he/she is granted the team or not. The Administrative Board shall have final approval of all coaches and managers.

6.9 d         The Administrative Board may appoint standing and ad hoc committees as needed.



7. 1          The Administrative Board shall meet monthly or as needed, on a day of the week agreeable to the Administration.

7. 2          Sufficient notice of a pending meeting must be given to the Administrative Board members by the Secretary.

7. 3          Administrative Board members must let the Secretary know if they are unable to attend a meeting.

7. 4          Any Administrative Board member missing three meetings without valid reasons will be under review by the Administrative Board.

7. 5          Meetings must have a quorum of 50% of the Administrative Board members present if an issue requires a voting decision.

7. 6          Meetings will be presided over by the President and held in accordance to rules of order including the proper handling of motions.  All motions must be seconded before they can be discussed.  If there is not seconder then the motion will not be considered.  If seconded, the discussion may occur before the vote.

7. 7          Whenever there is a conflict of interest and a vote is required, the Administrative Board member must excuse themselves from the vote.

7. 8          The Administration President must call a meeting at the request of five members of the Administrative Board or 50%, which ever.

7. 9          The General Membership may attend an Administrative Board meeting with prior notification submitted to the President.


8.1         The Annual General Meeting shall be held on a convenient date in March or April.

8.2         General Membership meetings may be called by the President as deemed necessary throughout the year.

8.3         Sufficient notice of a pending Annual General Meeting along with the proposed agenda must be given to the General Membership prior to the Annual General Meeting.  30 days is the recommended notice period.  The President along with the Administrative Board Election Committee will determine the agenda items and election order for this meeting.

8.4         The President shall provide a written report to the General Membership on MMHA activities and achievements from the previous year. 

8.5         The current Administrative Board shall establish the registration fees for the upcoming year prior to the AGM.  These proposed fees will be presented at the Annual General Meeting to the membership.   Proposed registration fees will be voted upon before the election of the new Administrative Board.


9. 1       The Administrative Board of the MMHA shall be elected by the General Membership at the Annual General Meeting.


9. 2 a           A Chairperson along with two scrutineers shall be appointed by the Administrative Board President.

9. 2 b           Nomination forms are to be available on-line, through the Administrative Board Nominating Committee and at the Annual General Meeting. These Forms must contain the Nominator and Seconder's signature, Nominee’s name and signature along with the available position that they are nominated for.

9. 2 c           The Chairperson is to read the nominating ballots first before calling for further Nominations from the floor. After nominations for each available position have been closed, the Chairperson is to read the Nominees’ names back in the reverse order.

9. 2 d           All voting is to be done by ballot by the General Membership present at the meeting.




10. 1         The Administrative Board shall decide all matters pertaining to the finances of the Association.

10. 2         The Administrative Board shall direct all expenditures in such a manner that no team or individual will have an advantage over other teams or individuals in the Association.

10. 3         MMHA Fundraising fees are to be determined by the Administrative Board and the Fundraising Co-ordinator must provide financial records and statements for each fundraising activity to the Treasurer, Administrative Board and the membership.

10. 4         Individual MMHA teams are able to raise funds for their perspective team as long as such fundraising does not interfere with the fundraising of another MMHA team or the Association as a whole and is done to support the entry into tournaments or for the purchase of year-end trophies, clothing, gifts or year-end party.    Examples of non-appropriate individual team fundraisers would be community dances. All individual team fundraising activities must be approved by the Administrative Board.

10. 5         All individual team fundraising is to be accurately documented, available for review on request and reported back to the Fundraising Co-ordinator and Administrative Board at the end of the year.

10. 6         Sponsorship fees are to be determined annually by the Administrative Board and co-ordinated by the Communications Co-ordinator.

10. 7         It shall be the responsibility of the elected Administration and Membership not to encumber the incoming Administration financially.

10. 8         The Treasurer shall record all finances and have co-signing authority. 

10. 9         The Treasurer shall give a written financial report including a Balance Sheet and a Profit & Loss Budget Performance report at each Administrative Board meeting for approval.  This report shall be posted for the Membership to access.   The Treasurer shall prepare and distribute a written report summarizing the Profit & Loss Budget Performance for the year as well as a Balance Sheet for the Annual General Meeting. 

10. 10      The Treasurer shall have the books reviewed by an outside party every two years.

10. 11      The current Administrative Board shall establish all registration fees for the upcoming year prior to the AGM.  These proposed fees will be presented at the Annual General Meeting to the membership.   Proposed registration fees will be voted upon before the election of the new Administrative Board.

10. 12      All registration fees will be paid in full by the end of September. Any unpaid registration fees will result in that player not being allowed to play for any Mariposa Team until payment has been made in full.

10. 13      Gate admissions shall be established yearly by the Administrative Board based on the recommendation of the Victoria Durham and Three County Hockey Leagues.  

10. 14      All members of the Administrative Board shall receive 2 Executive Passes for any MMHA game including play-offs in our arenas.

10. 15      Coaching staff including trainers and managers of a MMHA team shall receive an Executive Pass for any MMHA game including play-offs in our arenas. There will be a maximum of 5 passes issued per team.



11. 1      Selection of OMHA and Three County teams shall be made after a maximum of five practices and/or two exhibition games to enable coaches to decide final rosters. This period may be extended only with the agreement of the Mariposa Minor Hockey Administration and the coaches of the two teams.  In order for a player to play on an AE (Additional Entry) team, the player must try out for the primary OMHA team.

11. 2      The roster sizes for the OMHA and Three County teams will be decided on the following basis:

11. 2 a    The decision for the number of players to be on the roster of the OMHA and Three County will be decided by the Administrative Board; hence one team may have a roster larger than the others.

11. 2 b   Anytime that any age division can field two or more teams, the Administrative Board and coaches of those teams will determine whether an “Additional Entry” OMHA team should be registered.

11. 2 c    Parents/guardians of players may inform the coaches of their decision that their child will not be playing for an OMHA team.

11.3       The MMHA reserves the right to refuse registration when necessary.


12. 1         The official playing rules of the Ontario Minor Hockey Association, the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association, and the Three County Hockey League shall be enforced by this Association.

12. 2         It is the coach's responsibility to see that all players receive their fair share of ice time during regular league and exhibition games.

12. 3         It is the coach’s responsibility to keep the conduct of their players and their coaching staff under control. Coaches are responsible for conduct within the dressing room, on the ice and at all tournaments and away games according to Ontario Minor Hockey Association and Mariposa Minor Hockey Association rules.  Players are to be supervised at all times.

12. 4         There is to be no smoking, drinking of alcoholic beverages or use of illicit drugs in the dressing room, on the player's bench or in the penalty box by a player or team official. Any player or team official with alcohol on his/her breath shall not be allowed to play that game and shall be subject to disciplinary action.

12. 5         Mandatory equipment must be worn as per the OMHA rules.

12. 6         Equipment is to be worn in its correct position when players are on the ice (games and practices). Players who disregard this rule are liable for game suspensions. Further, it is the coach's responsibility to ensure that no player goes on the ice, games or practices, without the proper protective equipment. Such disregard of this responsibility shall be dealt with accordingly by the Administrative Board.

12. 7         All play-off games shall have priority of ice times.

12. 8         For insurance purposes, only individuals that are rostered on MMHA teams (i.e. players, coaching staff) shall be allowed on ice time contracted by MMHA. 

12. 9         Players of all other MMHA teams cannot utilize or occupy any ice time of other MMHA teams on a practice session unless the coach of such team using the ice has requested the player to assist him/her in a practice, provided they wear the required equipment.


13. 1         The MMHA supports a self-directed conflict resolution process, which places the focus on positive strategies and outcomes to any issues or concerns.

13. 2         The Administrative Board shall have the authority to reprimand any player, coach, or member of the Association whose conduct is deemed detrimental to the best interest of the Association. This can include apologizing to the offended party, a verbal or written warning, a reassignment of duties, probation, up to and including termination.

13. 3         A coach or manager can reprimand a player for misconduct up to and including a suspension. 

13. 3 a   A player can be temporarily suspended pending a hearing with the Administrative Board.

13. 3 b   Upon evidence of misconduct, the President shall convene a hearing for the offending party or parties no later than three days after he/she is notified that they have been recommended for suspension.  The Administrative Board will discuss the best course of action and inform all involved parties of their decision.

13. 4   Should a dispute arise between the players or parents/guardians and the coaching staff, they are encouraged to problem solve the issue in a respectful manner.

13. 4 a   Should the problem or issue remain unresolved, the information is to be forwarded to the Coaching Co-ordinator for resolution. The Coaching Co-ordinator may act as an unbiased third party intervener.  Should the issue remain unresolved the Coaching Co-ordinator will informed the Administrative Board, who will discuss the best course of action and inform all involved parties of their decision.

13. 5   Should a dispute or issue arise amongst the coaching staff, they are encouraged to problem solve the issue in a respectful manner.

13. 5 a   Should the problem or issue remain unresolved, the information is to be forwarded to the Coaching Co-ordinator.  The Coaching Co-ordinator may act as an unbiased third party intervener.  Should the issue remain unresolved the Coaching Co-ordinator will informed the Administrative Board, who will discuss the best course of action and inform all involved parties of their decision.



For the purpose of this Social Media and Networking Policy, the policy will encompass public communications through such internet mediums and websites as Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, LinkedIn, and any other social media network that allows users to communicate online as well as other forms of electronic communication.

The policy will be applicable to all members of the Mariposa Minor Hockey Association (MMHA), including Board Members, Coaching & Bench Staff, Teams, MMHA members, on-ice and off-ice officials, players, players’ family members and supporters.  

The MMHA recognizes and appreciates the value of social media and the importance of social networking to all of its stakeholders. The MMHA also respects the right of all Teams and Association personnel to express their views publicly. At the same time we must be aware of the dangers social media and networking can present.  

The purpose of this policy is to educate the MMHA Community on the risks of social media and to ensure all Teams and Association personnel are aware that conduct deemed to be inappropriate will be subject to disciplinary action by the MMHA.  

When using social media and networking mediums, the MMHA community should assume at all times they are representing all members of the Association, the Association and the MMHA Governing Associations. All members of the MMHA community should remember to use the same discretion with texting, etc., social media and networking as they do with other traditional forms of media.  



a)         MMHA holds the entire MMHA Community who participates in social media and networking to the same standards as it does for all other forms of media including radio, television and print. 

 b)        Comments or remarks of an inappropriate nature which are detrimental to a Team, the Association or an individual will not be tolerated and will be subject to disciplinary action. 

c)         It should be recognized that social media and comments such as ‘texting’ are on the record and can be instantly published and available to the public and media. Everyone including Association and/or Team personnel, players, corporate partners and the media can review social media communications. You should conduct yourself in an appropriate and professional manner at all times.  

d)         Refrain from divulging confidential information of a personal or team related nature. Avoid revealing business or game strategy that could provide another team or individual a competitive advantage. Furthermore, do not discuss injury information about any player. Only divulge information that is considered public.

e)         Use your best judgment at all times – pause before posting or sending. Once your comments are posted or sent they cannot be retracted. Ultimately, you are solely responsible for your comments.  

f)          If requested to participate in an online network, as a direct result of your affiliation with or participation in MMHA recommends that you request approval from the Team or the Association. 


The following are examples of conduct through social media and networking mediums that are considered violations of the MMHA Social Media and Networking Policy and may be subject to disciplinary action by the Association. 

a)         Any statement deemed to be publicly critical of Association officials or detrimental to the welfare of a member Team, the Association or an individual.  

b)         Divulging confidential information that may include, but is not limited to the following: 

•           player injuries; player movement; game strategies; or 

•           any other matter of a sensitive nature to a member Team, the Association or an individual. 

c)         Negative or derogatory comments about any of the MHMA Teams, the Association, the League(s) and/or MMHA programs, stakeholders, players or any members of the MMHA. 

d)         Any form of bullying, harassment, intimidation or threats against players or officials. 

e)         Photographs, video or comments promoting negative influences or criminal behavior, including but not limited to: 

            •           drug use, alcohol abuse, public intoxication, hazing, sexual exploitation, etc. 

f)          Online activity that contradicts the current policies of the MMHA or any of its member Associations.  

g)         Inappropriate, derogatory, racist, or sexist comments of any kind, in keeping with the MMHA policies and regulations on these matters.  

h)        Online activity that is meant to alarm other individuals or to misrepresent fact or truth.  


MMHA will investigate reported violation(s) of this policy as deemed appropriate by the Association. If the investigation determines that a violation has occurred, the MMHA will impose an appropriate sanction as outlined in the MMHA Code of Conduct including the Appeal process.   


The Constitution may be amended at the Annual General Meeting or at a special Membership Meeting provided that notice of such amendments has been provided to the membership. The amendment will then become part of the Constitution, if passed by a two-thirds majority vote.


Passed on this day,


May 11, 2023

Kevin Boyd, President