2020/2021 Season Update, News (Mariposa Minor Hockey)

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Aug 25, 2020 | Amy Worsley | 1240 views
2020/2021 Season Update
Hello Lightning Families,  

We are working on getting our players back on the ice while keeping everyone safe.  We need to follow the OMHA guidelines, the OHF Return to Play Framework, the Hockey Canada Safety Guidelines document, and the Ontario Government Emergency Order.  Each Minor Hockey Association is required to develop a plan which we will submit to OMHA, CKL and HKPR Health Unit for approval.

There are multiple stages in the OHF document which will be adjusted based on a 4-week cycle.  We are currently in stage 3a, and as of September 1st, we will be moving to stage 3b. There are five sections in stage 3 (a to e). The current version of the document can be found at OHF Return to Hockey

Here are the key points of Stage 3b and 3c

  • There will be no rep teams, no tryouts, and no leagues in stage 3.
  • Teams will consist of 6 to 9 skaters plus 1 goalie.
  • Players may only participate on one team (exception is goalies may play for more than one team within the same ‘bubble’ if needed)
  • Up to 5 teams will be grouped into ‘bubbles’ of similar skill level. (max 50 players)
  • Bubbles could consist of joint programming with other associations in same health unit
  • Teams will be tiered based on similar skill level (ex. category of participation last year.)
  • After the development phase, teams will play 3v3 or 4v4 against teams in their bubble (same health unit)
  • Coaches will only be allowed to be in 1 bubble
  • Referees will be used, and score will be kept. All OMHA Pathways apply (U11, U9, U7)
  • No deliberate physical contact will be allowed
  • All players and coaches will be required to complete a health screening prior to participation in activity.  
  • We will be completing a contract tracing sheet for each on-ice session. (We will need volunteers to help with this.)


Where are we at?

  • We plan to have players on the ice for development as of September 14th. Each group will be scheduled two skates per week. There will not be allowed any crossovers between groups (i.e. no APs)
  • We are working on forming a partnership with other association(s) in our health unit.


Player Movement

  • Players that played AAA, AA or A last year and NRP players can stay where they were rostered in 2019-20 season, or return to their home association
  • Players who moved on Reg 3.5 last year can stay where they were rostered in 2019-20 season or return to their home association. This would NOT count as two seasons defined in Policy 4.1b.


Arena Protocol

The City of Kawartha Lakes is currently in Phase 1 of their arena use protocol.  The full document can be found at https://www.kawarthalakes


The key points of Phase 1 are:

  • screening questions and hand sanitizer before entry
  • Masks must be worn in the facility, except on the ice
  • Each team needs a covid representative to maintain a contact tracing list
  • No spectators; only players, coaches, trainers and covid rep.
  • No dressing Rooms - players are to enter arena with equipment on; Skates and helmets can be put on in the arena
  • For participants 10 years of age or younger, one parent/assistant can enter the facility to help put on/remove skates and helmets
  • Maximum 25 players and coaches


Due to the changing nature of Covid-19, we are booking ice on a month-by-month basis.  Registration Fees will be prorated for each month, and due prior to participating.  Protocols may also change, so current protocols will be sent to participants closer to scheduled ice time.


Your Next Steps

  • If you have decided that you do NOT want to participate in September, please email our registrar prior to August 31, 2020 and ask for your registration to be deleted.
  • If you do not contact our registrar, MMHA will consider you registered for September.
  • If you are participating, then payment for September will be due prior to the first skate.  
  • Consider volunteering. We need coaches, trainers, managers, and team covid reps.  Please contact any board member if you are interested.